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Who Is Jesus?

Jesus of Nazareth is my Friend, my Brother, my Father and my Creator, the one and only begotten Son of God and inheritor of all creation.

Jesus is my guide, my mentor, my example, my teacher, my light and my Savior.

Jesus is the rock that brings forth living waters, the fountain of hope, faith and love.

Jesus is the manna in the wilderness which is life giving, the food for eternal life, the hope for mankind.

Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb of God, a Kid, we are His little flock of sheep, kids.

Jesus is the Door to the Kingdom of God in the Spirit world. Those who enter through this Door will inherit eternal life and be Spirit Creatures forever with God in His Kingdom.

Jesus is the Commander of the army and Captain of the ship. Those who know and obey Him will be part of His command. Those who do not obey He does not know.

Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. He tells us through the Bible and through the Jews when the Sabbath is. Salvation is from the Jews (John 4:22). Those who remember the Sabbath and keep it holy are His and He is theirs. There is no salvation for those who redefine the Sabbath.

Jesus is the chooser of souls that He knows from before the foundation of the earth (Ephesians 1:4). Contrite creatures chosen while still sinners to be transformed into spiritual brothers with Godly characteristics unable to sin at the resurrection.

So what am I? A lowly sinner at God^s mercy. Come quickly Jesus.

2007 Jacques Gauvin

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