The western, Christian based, freedom loving, independence seeking, pursuit of happiness world is under attack on many or perhaps all fronts. Satanism vs Godliness.
Let me enumerate some major ones that I have noticed in my lifetime.
In no particular order:
1. Taxes destroy incentive
2. Government budgets inflate currency
3. Vaccines cause mass diseases and deaths
4. Mass disease treatments boost big pharma profits and destroy economies
5. Major banks’ derivatives create false sense of security and wealth
6. Rising Interest rates devastate the currency and the economy
7. Central Bank money printing cause mass depreciation of currencies
8. Naked short selling rattles economies
9. Sky spraying pollutes the air
10. False concepts like getting rid of CO2 destroys IQs
11. Terrorist attacks demoralize society
12. Child sex trafficking demoralizes society
13. One world government propaganda and efforts cause havoc
14. Men pretending to be women and girls wanting to be males distort human nature
15. Wars started for money laundering corrupt governments
16. Denying God robs people, the youth and the countries of spiritual relationships and spiritual lives
17. Depopulation agendas are anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-human and those who propagate them are egotists
18. Rampant immigration devastates society
19. Lawlessness at all levels of governance brings about broad devastation
20. Neglecting or ignoring the Bible, a gift from our Great Creator God, produces lost souls
This is the Best Bible version I know of.
‘Family Of God Bible’
An unleavened version
A restoration
Free ePub copy at
2025 Jacques Gauvin