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The Real Problem

There is a great deal wrong with this world and its problems are increasing fast. Yet many seem to be in denial or are simply choosing the wrong course for remedial action and are thereby making things worse causing deterioration at an even faster pace. Why is this happening?

The answers are very simple but most people refuse to believe them. There are two parts to the problems facing the world; the first is refusal to do things God^s way and the second is acceptance to do things Satan^s way. Rejecting God^s way is Satan^s way.

The answers lie in the Bible. The vast majority of the world is biblically illiterate. To top it off most of the readers of the Bible do not understand it and or do not follow God^s instructions found in it. The law is really quite simple and straight forward, love God whole heartedly and love your fellow man as yourself. The basic principles or foundational instructions on how to do these are in the ten commandments which are given twice in the Old Testament and which were expounded upon by Jesus in the New Testament.

Breaking the first commandment by placing things in more important positions in your heart and mind than where God is could easily be shown to be a common denominator in most people^s habits. And coveting could easily be described as a way of life in the affluent nations of the world at the least. But among religions the commandment that most absolutely refuse to live by is remembering the Sabbath and keeping it holy. Many pretend to observe it by changing the original biblical definition and by observing a different day than the actual historical traditional God appointed day in which He exclusively places His presence.

Only approximately 0.3% of the world^s people observe the Lord Jesus Christ^s Sabbath. 75% of those do not even realize that Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. They observe God^s Sabbath or the biblical Sabbath blindly. So really only about 0.07% are obeying the fourth commandment to keep the Sabbath holy by accepting Jesus Christ as the Lord of the Sabbath and their Saviour. The rest, 99.93% of the world, are following Satan.

The physical world is ruled by the spiritual world. Most people live in total ignorance and disbelief of this fact. A time is soon coming when this myth of perceived reality will be completely destroyed. We are at the cusp of that time. World governments are becoming powerless on many fronts. The economy, banking, war, immigration, feeding the world are all losing ground fast. Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and droughts are increasing in severity and numbers. There is much talk of global warming and an ensuing rise in sea level among other related problems. Without God^s intervention this Satan ruled world would soon come to an end. Spiritual influence is the major cause of world problems and spiritual intervention is the solution to its problems.

Is there anything that you can do about it? Yes there is. You can dedicate yourself to stand against Satan and to pleasing God by repenting from ignorance and disbelief and by turning wholeheartedly to learning and applying the teachings of God and of Jesus Christ through studying, believing and obeying the Holy Bible, the very Word of God. You can save yourself by letting Jesus save you and then you may be able to assist in saving others as well. Don^t delay, time is running short. Make a meaningful decision once and for all. Become part of the solution.

2016 Jacques Gauvin

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