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The Ten Plagues On Egypt (memory aid)

1. For the first plague think of the first miracle performed by Jesus, turning the water into wine and that wine represents the blood of Christ at the last supper. So the first plague is the water turning into blood.
2. Now think of a creature that lives in water that would try to escape the first plague. The second plague is frogs.
3. Frogs have to eat and they mostly eat insects, small ones and big ones. The third plague is flees. Some translations say lice, some gnats.
4. The fourth is flies.
5. Flies often bring disease so the fifth plague is the great murrain, cattle disease.
6. The animals that didn't die from the murrain got boils, the sixth plague.
7. I imagine that hail could crush those boils, so hail is the seventh plague.
8. The hail flattened the crops and the locusts came to devour the remains. So locusts are the eighth plague.
9. There are only two plagues left. If your mind is blank, the ninth plague is darkness for three days just as Jesus was three full days in the grave.
10. The last plague is very well known it is the death of the first born. Jesus was the only begotten son of God. Jesus is the first and the last.

2015 Jacques Gauvin

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