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Something Called Nothing

The conflicts between science and religion are all manmade. From a Godly perspective there is no conflict at all. God created all things through Jesus Christ and that includes science. Science is observance and explanation of what God created. The laws of nature or of science superseded creation of the material world. Without the laws of nature there would be no order of things and no life as we know it could exist nor would it have a place to exist. Science has never actually observed anything that God did not create and set into place.

The biggest and most common problem with religion(s) is that it misrepresents what God has said, what He has done, what He is doing, what He is going to do and who God is.

The biggest problem with science is that it often misrepresents or draws the wrong conclusions from its observations of the world and universe. Like religion it puts the wagon before the horses, it uses a predetermined agenda.

Most studies of both science and religion are lacking. They lack convincing and believable proven facts, analysis and conclusions. They also lack good, reliable, honest representation.

Science cannot know without doubt what happened six thousand years ago let alone what happened millions or billions of years ago. They can only surmise. But scientists and their representatives consistently make claims that their fantasies, their fabrications are facts. They frequently state events in distant history using irrationally large and gravely inaccurate numbers as proof that they are right. The logic is commode fodder.

The biggest critics of the Bible and the God of the Bible are also part of the biblically illiterate. Any serious student of the holy scriptures has come to know that the word of God is correct and true. Where there is misunderstanding or confusion or conflict it is because of the incompetence and ignorance of the interpreter or reader . It is a great challenge for man to even understand the material world let alone the spiritual world. The Bible deals with the spiritual world to a considerable extent.

Science deals only with the material world. God eternally existed but the world and universe did not. The spirit created the material, according to the Bible, science cannot prove otherwise. Both science and religion agree that the universe had a beginning, things did not forever exist and transition from one state to another forever in the past. Science calls the beginning the Big Bang Theory. Before that something called nothing existed. But in order for the universe to come into existence all the laws that govern it had to be established prior to its formation. These laws prove the existence of a Great Creator God. Science cannot get around this. And this is what the Bible states.

2016 Jacques Gauvin

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