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Girls and Women

June 8, 2007

Girls and women who do not dress modestly are contributing to the downfall and degradation of society. Through their dress they make statements that mock morals, combat righteousness, sexually harass, provoke delinquency and are basically degrading to themselves and to their gender. They protest everything and stand for social rebellion. They blare out and promote hypocrisy and irresponsibility. And they are often insulting with an air of superiority. They call it sexy.

What is important to women? Traditionally we are led to believe that marriage and having babies is what is most important to women. More recently women^s liberation has taken front stage. Since the onset of this movement divorces have increased to where there are now more marriages that end up in divorce than there are successful marriages. And abortions are killing millions of babies every year, a horrendous increase since the onset of women^s lib. In my opinion, women^s lib is a dismal failure. Women^s moral values it seems are now worse than the chauvinists and perverts they were so adamantly complaining about at the onset of their affront. What have they gained, money, respect?

Girls, we are taught, are represented by sugar and spice and everything nice. The truth is closer to spiteful vipers. The exceptions are few and far between. There are some at church who try to be nice at times. And there are some who try to be professional like the Tim Horton^s servers, the bank tellers and the grocery store cashiers. The rest are unapproachable unless you�re a masochist.

Needless to say I^m a bachelor. I^m too sensitive, too passive, too honest, too humble, too observant, too smart and too slow to be respected by any woman.

That^s my opinion, if anyone cares. God cares.

2007 Jacques Gauvin

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