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Satisfaction Is Grasping Vapour

I seek the love and mercy of God all day
I pray in my bed at night
I think of all the trials at hand
is it right merciful just
insurmountable problems get worse
my efforts often seem worthless futile
and life sometimes pointless
goodness and kindness like salt lose their flavour
the best that I can hope for is a good night^s sleep
what I^ve said and done that worked out wrong
how I could have made things right but stumbled
so many things that haunt
how hard it is to find joy at times
satisfaction is grasping vapour
all the problems that need more time to solve
all the wasted energy and futile efforts
all the while demands prevail
all the while time is running out
selfcontrol hard to hold
if only I could be set right with God
once and for all
we were appointed to be custodians of the earth
immigration threatens civil society
pollution prevails
adulterated food stocks the shelves
health comes through pills
God is the real healer
who knows
satisfaction is grasping vapour
true hope lies entirely in the God of love
blessings abound for the grateful
still disappointment and discouragement linger and lurk
the only solution is faith in God and His mercy
peace, patience and perseverance to the end
and gentleness comforts always
and true satisfaction is through Jesus only.

by Jacques Gauvin

March 2016