Praise the Lord with all your might
so that you^ll sleep well at night
give Him thanks with delight
and pray that things will work out right
Jesus is the Lord that^s sure
He has found death^s cure
He^ll be Lord of all the earth
it was established at His birth
He^s not ashamed of you and me
as some of us are of Him
cause He was just like you and me
and our new life will soon begin
He had to die up on a tree
to show our sins in sympathy
for us to God He made a plea
that we might learn some dignity
He taught us how we must live
if we expect this life He^ll give
just who it is we must obey
Lord of the Sabbath that^s OK
Six days He gave to work and play
the seventh day at home we^ll stay
but if per chance you congregate
don^t earn or spend, see the pearly gate
Just when He^ll come it^s hard to say
but this is sure He^ll come to stay
and how can we be sure it^s Him
the secret^s in the count of three
Three whole days and three whole nights
that^s how long it took to raise
His battered temple from the grave
this you^ll believe if you are brave
the ten commandments He once gave
and lived within them all his days
by this example that He gave
we^ll march with hope faith in His ways
this sign He gave if you are His
He reigns on Holy Sabbath days
you^ll know your King when He arrives
if you love His Holy days
Jesus loves to see you grow
He^s not afraid to let you know
His heart abounds just like the sun
when you turn away from harmful fun
if teachings are not from Jesus Christ
they^re just some kind of evil heist
there is no other way to go
if you will enter into life.